December 4, 2018

2018 Legislative Changes

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Information contained herein represents legislation passed by the 2018 Kentucky General Assembly in Regular Session. Full summaries of legislation can be found online and in print from the Legislative Research Commission. Copies of bills may be obtained online at: or from the Public Bill Room at:

Legislative Research Commission
State Capitol
700 Capital Avenue
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Guardianship Guidance and Clarification Amendments to KRS 210.290; KRS 387.510; KRS 387.540; KRS 387.570; KRS 387.580; KRS 387.590; KRS 387.610; KRS 387.660; KRS 387.670; KRS 387.680; KRS 387.700; KRS 387.710

The objective of guardianship proceedings is to preserve individual dignity, respect, and independence of our aging and disabled Kentuckians who can no longer make certain decisions.6 The importance of guardians is only continuing to grow given the rising number of disabled Kentuckians and the number of guardians neglecting their duties. Some examples of disabilities that might require guardianship intervention include a developmental disability, traumatic brain injury (TBI), or dementia. Not everyone with a disability is cognitively impaired and in need of a state guardian. Further, it was not the intent of the legislature that every disabled person has a guardian or conservator appointed.7